
Monday, January 30, 2023



Tense tells us when an action happens through the use of different forms of verbs.

Examples :
  • I eat porridge.
  • She played football.
  • He will sleep.
Tenses are three - Present, Past and Future.
  • Simple present tense expresses present action that we almost do daily as a habit. We use first form of the verb in this tense. In above example - I eat porridge, 'eat' is the first form of the verb that shows, the sentence expresses 'Present time'.
  • Simple past tense expresses past action. Second form of the base form is used. In the above sentence ' She played football', ' played' is the second form of the verb 'play'. 'Played' denotes past time.
  • Simple future tense expresses future action. 'Will + first form of the verb' together do this job. In the third sentence - He will sleep, 'will sleep' shows that this sentence is used for future action.
(first form)
(second form)
(will + first form)
actactedwill act
agreeagreedwill agree
allowallowedwill allow
askaskedwill ask
arrivearrivedwill arrive
awakeawokewill awake
becomebecamewill become
beginbeganwill begin
bindboundwill bind
blowblewwill blow
breathebreathedwill breathe
buildbuiltwill build
callcalledwill call
carrycarriedwill carry
catchcaughtwill catch
changechangedwill change
choosechosewill choose
costcostwill cost

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